Post Graduate Student Engineer at Number 10 Downing St

A Lancaster University Engineering student has been celebrated at Number 10 Downing Street as part of World Book Day.
Esti Mardiani-Euers was one of the winners of a TUC writing competition that earned a special tribute from the Prime Minister's wife, Sarah Brown, at a reception at Downing Street.
Esti’s story was one of the winning contributions to the book ”Life's Too Short”, which includes stories from builders, bakers, care workers and the driver of a bus of unruly schoolchildren. Esti set her story out as a letter and tells of her experiences finding work in England after arriving here from her native Indonesia.
“Life's Too Short” is one of this year's special Quick Reads series of books. Quick Reads are aimed at people who struggle with reading or have fallen out of the reading habit.
PhD student Esti is carrying out research on Hydro Power under the supervision of Martin Widden and George Aggidis in the Lancaster University Renewable Energy Group.
Esti is also a Member of the University and College Union and teaches at the Adult College Lancaster.
She said: "It's been wonderful to be able to see my work published and to know that it is helping to promote a great cause like improving adult literacy."
The Director of LUREG George Aggidis said “We’re extremely proud of Esti’s achievements both as a PhD student and as a writer. She is a real asset to the department.”