Students get a taste for Chemistry at Lancaster

Chemistry was firmly back on the timetable at Lancaster this week when sixth form students from across the region got a taste of studying in Lancaster’s newest department.
Students came to the labs at Lancaster to try their hand at an experiment to work out copper concentrations in a series of different samples as part of a Science and Technology taster day.
In October 2013 Lancaster will be opening its doors to Chemistry students again following the announcement that the University is investing in a new Department of Chemistry. The department will also establish a challenging, research-led MChem degree programme, which will build on Lancaster research and take advantage of industry relationships and placements.
Teaching staff from the schools attending the event welcomed the news that Chemistry was making a comeback at Lancaster and more than 70 students took part in the sessions.
Lancaster University’s Dr Keith Davidson, current acting head of the Chemistry department, said: “Since we announced the fact we were reopening the department we have had very strong expressions of interest and support from schools.
“Today’s Chemistry graduates are playing a vital role in solving some major global problems. They are investigating new sources of energy, making chemical processes greener and more efficient, advancing medical and pharmaceutical research. Even the display materials on your mobile phone were developed by chemists.”
Lancaster University has a strong tradition of working across disciplines and the new chemistry department will be linked closely to Lancaster Environment Centre, Engineering, Physics, and to the Faculty of Health and Medicine, so that it can deepen the interdisciplinary work of scientists, engineers and social scientists across the university.
To find out more about Chemistry at Lancaster go to